September 8, 2010

My Day Off.... What to do first?

I have high hopes of getting a lot of little projects done around the house. First is to stain the 2 floor boards in the bathroom and get them in place. I also have to fix some of the grout in the new shower floor so that we can seal the tile. We are putting up the last of the copper strips hopefully tonight. Our bathroom is going to be pretty "original" when it all gets done. It has been such a slooowww journey. I think it has been going so slow because we have chosen so many items that aren't the normal stuff and we have to figure out how to do it first. Hope whatever you do today makes you smile, often. Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lisa: Sounds like you have your work cut out for you!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I left a little explanation about the fabric in my blog banner in the comment section of the post you read. Hope it helps.

    happy hooking!



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